California’s local street and road system continues to be in crisis. Every trip begins on a city street or county road. Whether traveling by bicycle, bus, rail, truck or family automobile,  Californians  need  a  reliable  and  well‐maintained  local  street  and  road  system.  Unfortunately, these continue to be challenging times for our street and road system due to increased demand and unreliable funding. There is a significant focus on climate change and building sustainable communities, yet sustainable communities cannot function without a well‐maintained local street and road  system. 

The  need  for  multi‐modal  opportunities  on  the  local  system  has  never  been  more  essential. Every component of California’s transportation system is critical to providing a seamless, interconnected system that supports the traveling public and economic vitality throughout the state.

The first comprehensive statewide study of California’s local street and road system in 2008 provided critical  analysis  and  information  on  the  local  transportation  network’s  condition  and  funding  needs.  Conducted biennially, the needs assessment provides another look at this vital component of the state’s transportation system and once again finds a significant funding shortfall.

The 2014 study sought answers to important questions: What are the current pavement conditions of local streets and roads? What will it cost to repair all streets and roads? What are the needs for the essential  components  to  a  functioning  system?   How  large  is  the  funding  shortfall?  What  are  the  solutions?

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